
Rules for safe and civilized riding of elevators

Summary:(1) Before taking the elevator, pay attention to loose and dragged clothes (such as long skirts, gowns, etc.) to prevent being caught by floors and ca...
(1) Before taking the elevator, pay attention to loose and dragged clothes (such as long skirts, gowns, etc.) to prevent being caught by floors and car doors and causing personal injury.

(2) Please do not take the elevator without the elevator safety inspection certificate posted or the certificate has expired (the certificate is usually posted in an obvious position in the car), such an elevator may be unsafe.

(3) It is strictly forbidden to attempt to take the elevator under maintenance. At this time, the elevator is in an abnormal working state, and once taken, it is prone to safety accidents.

(4) Don't let children ride the elevator alone. Children generally don't understand the rules of safe riding in the elevator and lack the ability to deal with emergencies in a timely and calm manner.

(5) Never use a long string to lead a child or pet to ride, and use your hand to tighten or hold it, so as to prevent the string from being clamped by the floor and car door and causing safety accidents.

(6) The utility elevator can only be used to transport books, documents, food and other items. Without safety measures for carrying people, it is strictly prohibited for personnel to take the utility elevator.

(7) Do not bring inflammable, explosive or corrosive materials into the lift car without any protective measures to prevent personal injury or equipment damage. It is forbidden to store such items in the car.

(8) Passengers are not allowed to bring flowing umbrellas and boots into the lift car. Cleaners are not allowed to bring water into the lift car when cleaning the floor, so as to prevent passengers from slipping by wetting the lift car floor, and even the brought water enters the hoistway along the gap between the landing door and the car door sill, resulting in a short circuit of electrical equipment.

(9) When carrying bulky objects with large volume and long size, professional personnel should be invited to guide and assist. Do not drag when entering and leaving the car, and do not open the safety window on the car roof to extend long objects out of the car, so as to avoid damaging the elevator equipment and causing dangerous accidents.

(10) Be alert to robbery, murder, explosion, sexual harassment and other criminal acts in the car, especially at night or when the passenger flow is small, pay attention to strangers entering and leaving the car.

(11) When the ride distance is within 2 floors, taking the elevator may not arrive earlier due to the waiting time, and may reduce the total transmission efficiency of the building elevator. It is recommended to take the stairs, which is also conducive to health.

(12) When calling, passengers only need to press the call button in the direction of going in the waiting hall, and do not press both the up and down direction buttons at the same time, so as to avoid useless car parking and reduce the total transmission efficiency of the building elevator.

(13) Cherish the buttons in the waiting hall and the car, press them gently, and don't press them again and again after they are on. It is forbidden to tap or touch the buttons with sharp and hard objects (such as the tip of an umbrella) to avoid shortening the service life of the buttons or even causing faults.

(14) When waiting for the elevator, it is strictly forbidden to lean against the landing door, so as not to affect the landing door to open or fall into the car when opening the door, or even fall into the shaft when the landing door is opened by mistake (elevator failure), causing personal injury and death accidents. It is strictly forbidden to push, impact, kick the landing door or pry open the landing door with hand-held objects, so as to avoid damaging the landing door structure and even falling into the shaft.

(15) When the elevator floor and car door are opened, it is forbidden to put your fingers on the door panel of the floor and car door to prevent crushing your fingers when the door panel retracts. When the elevator floor and car door are closed, do not put your hand on the edge of the door (door gap), so as not to affect the closing action, or even crush your fingers.

(16) Before entering the lift car, you should first wait for the landing door to be fully opened, and then see whether the lift car stops at the landing (the landing door of the elevator with serious failure may be opened by mistake). Do not rush forward, so as to avoid personal injury and death accidents caused by falling. If not, do not put your head into the hoistway to peep at the lift car, so as to avoid personal shear casualties.

(17) Before entering or leaving the car, you should first wait for the landing door or the car door is fully opened, and then see whether the car is accurately leveled at the landing, that is, whether the car floor and the waiting hall floor are on the same plane (the leveling of the faulty elevator will be inaccurate). Do not step in a hurry to avoid tripping. If not, do not stretch your hands and legs into the gap between the car door and the hoistway, so as to avoid shear casualties caused by the sudden start of the car.

(18) When entering and leaving the lift car, pay attention not to apply force on the landing door sill, car door sill or the gap between the two, so as to avoid being clamped or damaged.

(19) Do not throw coins, nuts and other foreign matters into the elevator door sill groove, so as not to affect the opening and closing of the floor and car door, or even damage the door system. If you accidentally drop items into the gap between the car door and the hoistway, please do not take measures by yourself, and immediately notify the elevator professional to assist in handling.

(20) When entering and leaving the lift car, do not stay at the entrance and exit of the lift car, and do not lean against the safety touch plate (or light curtain), so as not to affect others to take or close the floor and car door, and even personal shear casualties will occur in case of door opening operation failure. After entering the car, passengers should stand inside the car, and do not be too close to the car door, so as to avoid clothing or carry on items affecting the car closing, or even being caught.

(21) when handling large items, if it is necessary to maintain the opening of the floor and car door, press and hold the door open button "< | >", and it is forbidden to insert cardboard, wooden strips and other items between the floor and car door, or use boxes and other items to block the closing of the floor and car door, so as to avoid damaging the floor and car door components and causing danger.

(22) when the elevator floor and car door are closing, do not use your hands, feet, body, sticks, trolleys, etc. to directly prevent the closing action in order to catch up with the elevator or worry about the delay of getting out of the car. Although the normal floor and car doors will automatically reopen under the action of safety protection devices, once the door system fails, serious consequences will be caused. The correct method is to wait for the next time, or press the call button in the waiting hall, or press the door opening button in the car to reopen the floor and car door.

(23) do not overload the elevator. When the car load exceeds the rated load, it will give an overload alarm and the elevator cannot be started. At this time, passengers entering after this time should take the initiative to exit the car. In case of serious overload, the ladder will slide, causing equipment damage or personal injury accidents.

(24) after entering the lift car, do not press the non destination landing button indiscriminately, so as to avoid useless parking and reduce the total transmission efficiency of the building elevator. Under normal circumstances, it is forbidden to try to press the alarm button to avoid misleading the elevator attendant to come to the rescue.

(25) please do not jump around in the car, shake left and right, so as to avoid the misoperation of the safety device, which will cause passengers to be trapped in the car and affect the normal operation of the elevator.

(26) please do not make noise or play in the car, and do not open the packaging of items with special odor such as odor and pungent smell, so as not to affect others to ride. Pay attention to supporting the old and the young, and be polite.

(27) during the operation of the car, passengers are not allowed to attempt to lift the car door with their hands. Once the door crack is opened, the car will stop in an emergency, causing passengers to be trapped in the car and affecting the normal operation of the elevator.

(28) never lean against the car door in the car when riding, so as not to affect the normal opening of the car door, damage the car door or hold clothes when opening, or even cause personal injury or death when the car door is opened by mistake.

(29) take good care of the facilities in the car (such as decoration, control panel, floor display, alarm button, camera, etc.), do not stick gum on the button, do not scribble or throw dirt in the car, and keep the car clean to ensure the service life of the elevator.

(30) it is forbidden to smoke in the car to avoid affecting others' health and even causing fire.

(31) when passengers are trapped in the elevator due to power failure, safety device action, failure and other reasons, passengers should keep calm, use the communication equipment such as the alarm device telephone and alarm button in the car to contact the elevator duty personnel in time, and patiently wait for the arrival of rescue personnel. In order to prevent the car from falling down when waiting, it is best to squat or hold the car handrail. When professionals come to the rescue, they should cooperate with their actions.

(32) when passengers are trapped in the car, it is strictly forbidden to forcibly open the car door or attempt to climb out of the safety window on the car roof (the safety window is only used by professionals for emergency rescue or maintenance) to prevent personal shearing or falling casualties. The car has ventilation holes, which will not cause suffocation; The emergency lighting of the lift car can last for a period of time.

(33) if passengers find that the elevator operates abnormally (for example, the floor and car door cannot be closed, and there is abnormal sound, vibration or burning smell), they should immediately stop using the elevator and timely notify the elevator professionals to come for inspection and repair. Do not take chances to use the elevator or take measures by themselves.

(34) when there is a fire in the building where the elevator is located, it is forbidden to attempt to escape by taking the elevator, and fire exits should be used for evacuation. The fire control function of the elevator is only used by professional firefighters and does not respond to the call of passengers.

(35) in case of an earthquake, it is forbidden to attempt to escape by taking the elevator. Passengers in the car should try to evacuate the car at the nearest safe floor as soon as possible.

(36) when the elevator is flooded (for example, due to the rupture of the building water pipe), passengers are not allowed to take it. Passengers in the car should try to leave the car at the nearest safe floor as soon as possible.

(37) it is strictly forbidden for non professionals to enter the elevator machine room, monitoring room, hoistway (through the access door, etc.) and pit without permission, so as to prevent injury by moving parts or elevator accidents caused by wrong operations.

(38) do not stack objects at the access to the machine room and the entrance and exit of the machine room, and keep them unobstructed, so as not to affect the daily maintenance of professionals and the rescue and repair in case of emergency, or stack objects to cause fire.

(39) the elevator landing door key, control panel key and machine room door key can only be used by approved and trained professionals. It is strictly prohibited for non professionals or passengers to configure and use without authorization, so as to prevent personal injury or equipment damage.

(40) it is forbidden to disassemble and repair all kinds of elevator components (such as the control panel in the waiting hall and car) without permission, so as to avoid elevator failure or electric shock.

(41) except for the cargo elevator allowed by the instruction manual, it is forbidden to use a motor forklift to lift and unload goods in the lift car, so as to avoid equipment damage.

(42) when other passengers are found to have dangerous elevator actions or states, they should be well advised to dissuade them and explain the danger to them.